Govein Project is on the last stage

Govein Project is on the last stage

Govein Project is on the last stage

November 3rd, 2017

Govein Project – Implementation of the European electronic invoice within the Public Health Area has reached to the end.  The consortium was composed of 19 participants and led by Edicom (

The main objectives of the project have been achieved:

  • Enhance eInvoincing interoperability by the implementation of a multi-syntax solution able to handle e-invoicing in multiple standards.
  • Increase user awareness and adoption of the eInvoicing Directive.

In addition to the grants, the CEF offered financial support to this project through innovative financial instruments such as guarantees and project bonds. These instruments represented significant help in the use of the EU budget and acted as a catalyst to attract further funding from the private sector and other public-sector actors.

If you want to know more of this project or about CEF Telecom Program please contact us.

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