Strong impact of the eID4Spain project on media

Strong impact of the eID4Spain project on media

Published on 15/04/2019

The eID4Spain project started last September 2018. Since then, its beginning has been announced in several local and regional media, highlighting the benefits of updating the electronic identification services of the four participating public entities. These are Junta de Extremadura, Diputación Provincial de Ciudad Real, Diputació de València and Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid.

The purpose of the project is to connect these local and regional services to the Spanish eIDAS node through the CL@VE 2.0 system. This will support the public entities to comply with the requirements established by the eIDAS Regulation about the standardization of electronic identification protocols. The action will allow citizens from any EU country to be identified through the platforms of these public bodies.

You can check the news published in the past months:

  • PAe (Portal de Administración Electrónica) – Spanish government website (English):

  • Objetivo Castilla La Mancha:

  • El confidencial de Ciudad Real:

  • Junta de Extremadura website:

  • Inversión & Finanzas:

  • La Cerca:

  • Club de Innovación:

  • Municipal Open Lab (Molab):


More info about the eID4Spain project here.


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