Public Open Data CEF application submitted by IRTIC (UV)

Public Open Data CEF application submitted by IRTIC (UV)

Public Open Data CEF application submitted by IRTIC (UV)

November  20th, 2018

IRTIC (Research Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies) of the University of Valencia submitted an application to the Public Open Data CEF Telecom call.

Participants of the project proposal are Dirección General de Tráfico (Spain), IRTIC-Universitat de València (Spain), Desidedatum Data Company, S.L. (Spain), RBS (Spain), Esam Tecnología, S.L. (Spain), Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), Leading Management Technology S.L. (Spain), TamTam Research (Czech Republic) and Czech Technical University (Czech Republic).

The project aims to support the re-use of dynamic Road Traffic Data in and across two Member States (the Czech Republic and Spain) made findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable through the European Data Portal, and crossed with other sector data by using Linked Open Data (LOD). The usefulness of LOD datasets about traffic information does not only lies in the inclusion of traffic open data, but in the incorporation of links to other relevant thematic datasets on the Web, which will allow federated queries from different data platforms belonging to different countries and sectors. Business, researchers, national operators and administrators, and citizens in general will benefit from having dynamic traffic open data linked to other heterogeneous datasets across different Member States.

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