ICELAND-INV18 project: contributing to the mandatory implementation of eInvoicing in Iceland

ICELAND-INV18 project: contributing to the mandatory implementation of eInvoicing in Iceland

ICELAND-INV18 project: contributing to the mandatory implementation of eInvoicing in Iceland

The past April 18th, 2020 was the established deadline for the mandatory adoption of electronic invoicing and the European standard by all public authorities in Europe, as was set up by Directive 2014/55/EU. The benefits for using a common European standard for electronic invoicing are much for digital public procurement, reducing costs, saving paper, increasing security, enhancing cross-border transactions, etc. 

The European Commission has been encouraging and promoting the accomplishment of digital standardization across Europe for years, by funding projects through its Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). One of those is the ICELAND-INV18 project (Uptaking the EN eInvoicing by authorities in ICELAND), which was approved under the CEF Telecom eInvoicing programme and started in April 2019. It aims at supporting the uptake of the European elnvoicing Standard (EN 16931) in Iceland, by adopting the valid syntaxes (UBL 2.1 and Cll) mandated by the European Directive 2014/55/EU.

The ICELAND-INV18 project is coordinated by a Spanish university (Universitat de València) with the support of LMT and Unimaze, which are actively contributing in the adoption of eInvoicing and implementation of the European standard by the following Icelandic entities: Reykjavíkurborg (the capital of Iceland), Grímsnes og Grafningshreppur (municipality), Skeiða- og Gnúpverjahreppur (municipality), Akureyrarkaupstaður (city), Félagsbústaðir hf. (the Reykjavik Social Housing), two energy companies (Orkubú Vestfjarða ohf, and Orkuveita Reykjavíkur), and a telecommunications company (Síminn hf, or Iceland Telecom). The project will allow the 8 Icelandic entities to receive and process EN compliant elnvoices.

Additionally, a central validation service for Icelandic standards (Staðlaráð Íslands) is being set up by Unimaze to provide a trusted web based tool to validate compliant EN invoices, and ICEPRO is contributing in the analysis of the impact that the implementation of the EN is producing in Iceland. 

To know more about the ICELAND-INV18 project (co-financed by the European Commission with action number 2018-EU-IA-0056), you can visit its official website:

More information about the sub-central adoption of eInvoicing in this CEF Digital news.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of LMT Group and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.