The European Commission updates the Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) code lists

The European Commission updates the Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) code lists

The European Commission, through the CEF eInvoicing Building Block, has published an interim release of the Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) code list in the European standard on eInvoicing (EN 169 31). The main driving force behind this action has been a request by BOSA in Belgium. BOSA needed to add code 0208 to the EAS codelist to support the initiation of its Hermes project and this was accepted by the stakeholders represented in the CEF Advisory Group.

Consequently, the ICD code list will also be updated for the sake of consistency and full support: codes 0205 to 0208 will be added to the list of ICD codes to be supported in implementations of EN 16931. Also, the EN 16931 validation artefacts that are maintained by CEF, on request of CEN/TC434, have been updated to support this new code list version. This will be effective on 30 June 2020, when all implementations of EN 16931 must have been updated to support the new version of the validation artefacts and code lists.

Future releases are scheduled as follows: i) EAS code list, as well as the VATEX code list will be updated on 4 September 2020 following a deadline of Request for Changes on 21 August 2020; ii) An update to the EN 16931 validation artefacts will follow on 2 October 2020.

EURINV project, “Implementing the European Standard in consolidated eInvoicing cloud platforms”, coordinated by UPV (Universitat Politècnica de València) with the support of LMT group, is directly affected by the above releases. This Action is fostering the consolidation of the European Standard (EN), which is mandatory for all the public institutions since last April 2020. Among the institutions participating EURINV which represent several European countries (Belgium, Finland, Italy, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Ireland, Germany and Slovakia), it is worth to mention Billit from Belgium that has been in close contact with BOSA (whose request led to the above described EAS update) so far.  

The EURINV project is co-funded by the European Commission (Action nº 2018-EU-IA-0073).

For further details, refer to the publication on CEF Website.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of LMT Group and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.