EUROFACe project conference took place at IRTIC
March 1st, 2019
Last Wednesday February 27th, a conference about the EUROFACe project took place at the IRTIC (Research Institute on Robotics and Information and Communications Technologies) of the Universitat de València. This project counts with the participation of Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública (Spanish Ministry of Finance), different local and regional public administrations, LMT Group, Invinet Sistemes, and UVEG, which compose a consortium coordinated by Universidad de Zaragoza. The project aims to upgrade the Spanish electronic invoice solution for regional and local public authorities, enabling them to receive eInvoices from other European entities.
Representatives of different institutions gathered to exchange views about the project´s culmination. Some of the institutions attending the event were: the IRTIC, LISITT (Integrated Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Technologies of Traffic Information), Diputación de Valencia, Universidad de Zaragoza (Coordinating Institution of the project), Ajuntament de Torrent, LMT Group (which collaborated with the event´s organization), among others.
Discussed topics went from the development of electronic invoicing to the implementation of the EN-16931 standard in the eInvoicing solutions for institutions. On the other hand, CEF projects for electronic administration and smart cities were presented.
For further information on this event, click here.
For further information on the EUROFACe project, click here.
For further information about funding possibilities, you can contact us and consult here.
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