EUROFACe - The core platform of the Spanish public authorities to process...

Co-financed by the European Commission (CEF eInvoicing 2016)

EUROFACe – The core platform of the Spanish public authorities to process the European standard on electronic invoice

EUROFACe – The core platform of the Spanish public authorities to process the European standard on electronic invoice

The objective of this Action is to provide a central eInvoicing solution to all regional and local public authorities in Spain by using the European standard (EN) on electronic invoice. This will guarantee cross-border transactions according to the Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement. The solution will meet the requirements set by this Directive and the eIDAS Regulation, including the semantic and syntactic interoperability associated to the EN. This project is co-financed by the European Commission through the 2016 CEF Telecom Call – eInvoicing (CEF-TC-2016-3).


Project website:
Start Date: 01/09/2017
Finish Date: 28/02/2019
Grant: EUR 298,691
Agreement number: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2016/1330507
Action No: 2016-ES-IA-0117
INEA Action Webpage:
Additional website:



  • Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR), Spain (Coordinating Institution)
  • Diputación Provincial de Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real), Spain
  • Leading Management Technology S.L. (LMT), Spain
  • Universidad de Murcia (UM), Spain
  • Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública -SGAD (MINHAP), Spain
  • Organismo Autónomo de Informática del Ayuntamiento de Madrid (IAM), Spain
  • Universitat de València (UVEG), Spain


The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of LMTGroup and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.