How much do you know about Public Traffic Open Data and LOD-RoadTran18?
March 15, 2022
The core of the Public Open Data infrastructure is a comprehensive pan-European Open Data portal providing harmonized access to data sets created and managed by public bodies in the Member States, including national, regional and local levels of government.
Open Data refers to data that is available and accessible to everyone. In other words, Public Open Data Improves the “Access to re-usable public sector information”. Some of the main applications of Public Open Data are:
- Open Data and Smart Cities
- Open Data and Science
- Open Data and agriculture
- Open Data for transparency
Some relevant initiatives in Europe to promote Public Open Data are:
- data.europa.eu Portal (link): “The portal provides access to open data from international, EU, national, regional, local and geo data portals. It replaces the EU Open Data Portal and the European Data Portal. The portal addresses the whole data value chain, from data publishing to data reuse.”
- Open Data Calls of the CEF Telecom Programme (link): “The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in Telecom is a key EU instrument to facilitate cross-border interaction between public administrations, businesses and citizens, by deploying digital service infrastructures (DSIs) and broadband networks”.
One relevant Open Data project specific to Traffic Data is the LOD-RoadTran18 CEF Action (2018-EU-IA-0088). This project aims to support the re-use of dynamic Road Traffic Data in and across two Member States, namely Czech Republic and Spain. This Action uses the European Data Portal and connects it with any other sector data by using Linked Open Data (LOD). LMT and UVEG coordinate this Action co-funded by the HaDEA Agency of the European Commission.
To know more about the LOD-RoadTran18 Action, please visit its official website: http://irtic.uv.es/lodroadtran18.
Leaflet about Public Open Data:
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of LMT Group and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.