The fifth meeting of the MADE project took place
May 18th, 2018
The fifth non-presential meeting of the Multiple Access to eDElivery (MADE) project was held. The meeting, which was attended by all the entities involved, European companies, Bizbrains, Akssesspunkt, Edicom, Officient, eConnect and Unimaze and representatives of the other participating institutions, was the meeting point for sharing problems encountered and the way they have been solved to lead the team to the satisfactory results obtained in the interoperability tests.
The meeting established the following steps for the completion of the project, the phase of justification before the European Commission, and in general, the next steps for the sustainability of project results over time and replicability of them in new organizations of the European scope. This last aspect is considered crucial since the success of the MADE project is connected to the advance in the development of new access points that constitute a wide network.
It is expected that the project will come to an end on December 31st, 2018 and the results obtained so far will make it possible to predict that the objectives pursued will be achieved to satisfaction, without additional costs, and in the times programmed in the conception phase.
For more information on this project, please visit the project’s official website.
Project code: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2016/1278042
Share number: 2016-ES-IA-0063
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