CEF eDelivery releases a new DOMIBUS version

CEF eDelivery releases a new DOMIBUS version

The CEF eDelivery Building Block (which promotes the use of the AS4 messaging protocol to create a secure channel for the transmission of documents and data by electronic means) has recently announced the final release of Domibus 4.2 sample implementation of the eDelivery AS4 Access Point. This release brings technical improvements and several new features compared to the last version (that successfully passed the AS4 tests of the PEPPOL centralized test platform), for example, the possibility to define a higher priority for specific messages to be sent, or the possibility to monitor the connection state between C2 and C3. It is important to highlight also that Domibus 4.2 is compatible with numerous platforms of application server, database and JAVA.

The release of Domibus 4.2 is undoubtedly of major interest for the technicians and stakeholders related to our project AS4EDI19 – European EDI Providers integrating the AS4 eDelivery (Action number 2019-EU-IA-0012). This action, co-financed by the European Commision though the CEF Telecom program, aims at promoting the use of the eDelivery DSI-Digital Service Infrastructure amongst private and public entities by integrating the AS4 messaging protocol (specifically the eDelivery AS4 Profile) in five, already certified, PEPPOL Access Points (APs) from Sweden, Italy, and Denmark. At the moment, the partners of the Consortium, coordinated by UVEG and technically supported by LMT Group, are passing the CEF eDelivery Conformance Testing (those partners which are developing their own eDelivery AS4 solutions) and the CEF eDelivery Connectivity Testing. Then, the participant APs will be ready to perform the Interoperability tests among them to demonstrate that their CEF conformant AS4 APs are operational.

To know more about AS4EDI19, visit its official website: http://cef.uv.es/as4edi19 

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