The CEF EURINV19 action results
Launched in January 2020, the CEF eInvoicing action EURINV19 (Adopting the European Standard by using consolidated eInvoicing cloud platforms)...
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The European Commission has updated the eInvoicing Country factsheets
The European Commission has recently published the updated version of the eInvoicing Country factsheets. These factsheets provide information about...
The Consortium of EURINV19 Action is concluding the tests (demo meeting 2)
As the Action finishes at the end of July, the pending tasks of EURINV19 (Adopting the European Standard by...
LOD-ROADTRAN18 is in the right way
Under the coordination of IRTIC (Institute of Robotics, Information, and Communication Technologies) of the Universitat de València, and with...
EURINV19 final tests (demo meeting 1)
As the end of the EURINV19 action approaches, the partners of the Consortium continue working intensively to complete the...
The AS4EDI19 action reached results
Started in December 2019, the AS4EDI19 CEF eDelivery action (European EDI Providers integrating the AS4 eDelivery) is finishing next...
The CEF EURINV19 Action has been extended
The INEA Agency (now HaDEA – European Health and Digital Executive Agency) decided to amend the Grant Agreement of...
The CEF eInvoicing Building Block is helping the Irish local authorities to adopt eInvoicing
Thanks to the support of the CEF eInvoicing Building Block, three local authorities in Ireland have been recently able...
INEA ceases to become CINEA + HaDEA
INEA ceased operations on 31 March 2021. Then, the two following agencies are taking over, from 1 April 2021...
AS4EDI19: how AS4 APs can support the use of eDelivery to monitor the goods entering the EU
The Commission recently launched ‘ICS2’ (Import Control System 2), an Advance Cargo Information System – which collects data about...