EUROLogin eIdentification project has been extended

EUROLogin eIdentification project has been extended

14 September, 2020

The INEA Agency has decided to amend the Grant Agreement of the EUROLogin Action (Cross-border authentication in European cloud platforms according to the eIDAS Regulation), thereby accepting a request made by the Coordinator to extend the duration of the project. 

According to this amendment, also considering the delay in the implementation of the Action caused by COVID-19 circumstances and pending service from some eIDAS nodes to the private sector, the EUROLogin Action will finish in March 2021, assuring this way its proper conclusion. 

The EUROLogin project is coordinated by the Universitat Politència de València and participated by LMT Group; BILLIT; Goldman; SATA; ELCOM and University of Cyprus. The main objective is the integration of the eID DSI (Digital Service Infrastructure) into 4 existing systems that will be connected to 4 different eIDAS nodes, making different services available for cross-border authentication. The Action is co-financed by the European Commission through the CEF program (Action number 2018-EU-IA-0026). 

To know more about the project, please visit:

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