23th October, 2019
Last October 21st, in Valencia, the IRTIC of Universitat de València hosted the first face-to-face consortium of the project LOD-RoadTran18 – Supporting the cross-border use of Road Traffic Data with Linked Open Data based on DATEX II (INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1803421).
This project is co-financed by the CEF Telecom programme of INEA and coordinated by Universitat de València with the support of LMT Group. It aims to support the re-use of dynamic Road Traffic Data in and across two Member States, namely Czech Republic and Spain. This Action will make the European Data Portal findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable, and will connect it with any other sector data by using Linked Open Data (LOD).
Moreover, during this meeting the participants reviewed and discussed the work plan, raising relevant subjects such as the project consortium agreement and some technical and administrative issues. Furthermore, the available tools for the successful implementation of the project were shared.
For more information about the LOD-RoadTran18 project, please visit the project website.
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