Once finished the analysis phase and the first activities, the Consortium of the action LOD-RoadTran18 (Supporting the cross-border use of Road Traffic Data with Linked Open Data based on DATEX II) is working now in the development of a reusable and applicable-EU-wide evaluation and monitoring framework aiming at both assessing the impacts of the reuse of traffic LOD and also deploying an EU-wide guide for national access points (NAPs). It is currently in consideration too the different types of data sources with the aim of providing added value by being linked to traffic data, as well as the proposal for queries in natural language that could be useful for the project.
Thus, coordinated by IRTIC (Institute of Robotics, Information, and Communication Technologies) of the Universitat de València and with the technical support of LMT Group, this project, started in september 2019, involves different entities from Spain and Czech Republic in a very fruitful collaboration that aims to support the re-use of dynamic Road Traffic Data in and across two Member States, namely the Czech Republic and Spain to make the European Data Portal FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable), and to connect it with any other sector data by using Linked Open Data (LOD).
LOD-RoadTran18 is a project co-financed by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) of the European Commission through their CEF Telecom program (2018-EU-IA-0088).
To know more about this project, please visit its official website: http://cef.uv.es/lodroadtran18/
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of LMT Group and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.