We are glad to announce that the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) created by the European Commission has approved LOD-RoadTran18, a Public Open Data project coordinated by Universitat de València (UVEG) with the support of LMT Group. The project was approved in the framework of the 2018 CEF Telecom Call – Public Open Data (CEF-TC-2018-5).
The consortium of this project is a cross-border consortium composed of 9 entities from Spain and the Czech Republic. It started on September 1st, 2019 and will have a duration of 37 months.
The main goal is to support the re-use of dynamic Road Traffic Data across the two participant Member States, making it findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable through the European Data Portal, crossed with any other data sector by using Linked Open Data (LOD).
This project will improve the basic service to open traffic data through the LOD enhanced Traffic Information System (TIS), according to the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive (2010/40/EU). This will support viewing and downloading data, but also will improve the extraction of meaning from it, allowing other types of services which can be only achieved with the use of LOD. On the other hand, this project will propose an applicable EU-wide evaluation and monitoring framework for assessing the impact of the re-use of data. It will also offer a toolkit for National Access Points (NAPs) in the other Member States aimed at the use of a specific common metadata model.
For further information: https://lmtgroup.eu/portfolio/lod-roadtran18/
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of LMT Group and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.