
The EUROLogin project was prepared and submitted by LMT Group in collaboration with Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). This Action will integrate the eID DSI (Digital Service Infrastructure) into the systems of 3 EDI Providers and 1 public university, that will be connected to 4 different eIDAS nodes (Belgium, Cyprus, Italy and UK), making different services available for cross-border authentication. BILLIT will connect to the Belgian eIDAS node, University of Cyprus to the Cypriot eIDAS node with the support of its EDI Provider “Goldman”, SATA to the Italian eIDAS node, and ELCOM to the British one.

As a result, the 4 implementing participants will be able to request, receive and process the new set of identification data received from its national eIDAS node under the eIDAS Regulation. It will promote the uptake and use of the eID DSI and will facilitate access to the services provided by these 4 entities (BILLIT, University of Cyprus, SATA, and ELCOM) to all EU citizens and businesses using their national eID, and thus ensuring cross-border mobility and supporting the Digital Single Market.


  1. Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain (Coordinating Institution).
  2. Leading Management Technology S.L. (LMT), Spain.
  3. BILLIT BVBA (BILLIT), Belgium.
  4. AC Goldman Solutions & Services, GSS Ltd (Goldman), Cyprus.
  5. S.A.T.A. Applicazione Tecnologie Avanzate Srl (SATA), Italy.
  6. Elcom Systems Limited (ELCOM), United Kingdom.
  7. University of Cyprus (UCY), Cyprus.


Integration of European platforms in the cloud according to the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014

Secure and reliable connection to several public and private electronic services

Cross-border interaction between public administrations, businesses and citizens

INEA Action website:

Agreement number: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1633379

Action number: 2018-EU-IA-0026

Start date: 01/10/2018

Conclusion date: 31/03/2021

Duration: 30 months

Grant: EUR 598,952

CEF programme and Grant Agreement managed by INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency)

Solution implemented through the CEF eIdentification Building Block
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Project Coordination

Universitat Politècnica de València, as the coordinating institution of the EUROLogin project, will be the responsible manager with contributions from all beneficiaries. This activity is aimed to ensure an efficient and satisfactory management while implementing the action. It contemplates the administrative and financial management, compliance with the work plan, and its necessary follow up; the knowledge management, aiming the gather and organization of important information in order to improve future connections to the eIDAS nodes; and, finally, it seeks for quality assurance and guarantee that the participants will meet the high standards required for this project.


Project Implementation

This activity aims to connect 3 EDI Providers and 1 public university to their respective eIDAS nodes, in order to  allow cross-border authentication. The tasks related to implementation start in a previous phase, related to the definition of the technical requirements needed to adapt the cloud platforms/systems and implement the connection to the eIDAS nodes. This implementation will result in the cross-border availability of all electronic services offered by the providers, to the European citizens whose countries eID schemes have been notified to the European Commission, this will be confirmed through interoperability tests. The participant´s platforms will be connected as follows:

  • Billit will be connected to the Belgian eIDAS node, implementing the eID Digital Service Infrastructure in the existing BILLIT-EDAS online platform (BILLIT Electronic Document Authentication Service).
  • SATA will be connected to the Italian eIDAS node. The SATA Cloud Extraction service (SATA-CE) will implement the eID DSI.
  • ELCOM will be connected to the British eIDAS node for cross-border authentication. The implementation will cover the PECOS eService (Procure-to- Pay software).
  • University of Cyprus will be connected to the Cypriot eIDAS node for cross-border authentication, with the support of its EDI Provider “Goldman”. The implementation and tests will cover the Erasmus Students Identification service used by the University of Cyprus (UCY).

Conformance Tests

The conformance tests seek to guarantee the quality of the results obtained during implementation, allowing providers to start using the CEF eID Building Block. A Technical Quality Committee will be created to assess these results and it will ensure that the conformance test outcome is the cross-border authentication of European citizens, using nationally issued eIDS from the different participating countries in the production environment. The tests and logs will be evaluated and certified, thus validating the results.


Project Dissemination

The different milestones and results achieved by the participants will be communicated through the Dissemination of the Action, consisting in the creation of this website, complemented by the use of Social Media and the publication of news related to the project´s progress. Furthermore, the coordinating institution has prepared a strategic communication plan that will feature tasks by all participants, focused in public entities and researchers interested in the eID Building Block.


Main Activities

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